
Two-seater carriage. Belonged to Empress Elizaveta Petrovna.

The two-seater carriage was executed in 1746 in Berlin and presented to Empress Elizaveta Petrovna by King Friedrich II. As the Prussian King pursued an active invasion policy, he could have sent this equipage to the Russian Empress to gain her support. Even if this was the actual King’s intention, the present didn’t produce the desired effect. When the Seven Years' War started in 1756, Russia and Prussia entered the opposite military coalitions.

This splendid carriage, truly ranked among the best specimens of the 18th-century decorative carving, is executed by a famous craftsman Johann Hoppenhaupt. The master’s typical motif of spectacular spreading palm trees and a bunch of pointed leaves predominate in the décor. Medallions with the images of the Russian state coat of arms studded with rhinestones adorn the cabin doors. The copper crown tops the equipage.

Light, graceful and technically complete, the carriage was used later during coronation processions in the 18th and 19th centuries.