
‘Amusement’ summer carriage. Belonged to Tsarevich Aleksey Petrovich

The summer "amusement" two-seater carriage was executed in the Moscow Kremlin Stables Workshops in 1690-1692. Such carriages were called "amusement" as they were used in children's games and amusements. The carriage is likely to have belonged to Tsarevich Alexey, the son of Peter I. This small equipage has some interesting technical innovations, namely a C-spring and a pivotal axle between the front runners. The Kremlin masters implemented this improved way of turning already in the second half of the 17th century.

A beautiful wavy bending of the lower part of the carriage, as well as dynamic lines of the relief, shows a creative mastering of the Baroque style by the Kremlin craftsmen. According to archive documents, the leather upholstery of the carriage was executed in the Moscow Kremlin Workshops too, though it had been thought to be produced in Spain for quite a long time.

